Back Of The Bus: The Arrest Report Filed By Alabama Police Against Rosa Parks, 1955
Via: flaglerlive
On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks stood up for what she believed in by sitting down. This is the arrest report filed by the Police Department of Montgomery, Alabama. Bus driver and WWII veteran James F. Blake initiated the complaint and arrest of Parks, leading to a 381-day boycott of the Montgomery bus system and the subsequent Supreme Court decision to ban segregation on public transportation.
Via: flaglerlive
When interviewed by the Washington Post, James Blake commented:
"I wasn't trying to do anything to that Parks woman except do my job, she was in violation of the city codes. What was I supposed to do? That damn bus was full and she wouldn't move back. I had my orders. I had police powers--any driver for the city did. So the bus filled up and a white man got on, and she had his seat and I told her to move back, and she wouldn't do it."