This Is The Microsoft Staff Photo From 1978
Via: wikimedia
This powerful collection of facial hair was assembled for a Microsoft staff photo on December 7, 1978, shortly before the company moved from New Mexico to Washington. With the business in its third year of existence, eleven of Microsoft's then-thirteen employees are shown in the photograph.
As for growth, revenue for 1976 was $16,005. Since then, operating language has grown from BASIC to MS-DOS to Windows, and earnings have multiplied 5,329,584 times to over $85 billion of revenue in 2013.
Top: Steve Wood, Bob Wallace, Jim Lane
Middle: Bob O’Rear, Bob Greenberg, Marc McDonald, Gordon Letwin
Bottom: Bill Gates, Andrea Lewis, Marla Wood, Paul Allen.
Not pictured: Ric Weiland, Miriam Lubow