Lyndon B. Johnson Takes The Oath Of Office While Jacqueline Kennedy Stands By, Caked In Blood
Via: wikipedia
Two hours after the assassination of president John F. Kennedy, Jacqueline Kennedy wears her pink Chanel suit, still stained with the blood of her husband, as Lyndon B. Johnson takes the oath of office aboard Air Force One on November 22, 1963.
According to Lady Bird Johnson, who was also present:
"Her hair [was] falling in her face but [she was] very composed ... I looked at her. Mrs. Kennedy's dress was stained with blood. One leg was almost entirely covered with it and her right glove was caked, it was caked with blood – her husband's blood. Somehow that was one of the most poignant sights – that immaculate woman, exquisitely dressed, and caked in blood."
Air Force One was still on the tarmac, the casket of Kennedy having just been loaded, when the solemn swearing-in ceremony began. Twenty-seven people crammed into the poorly ventilated sixteen square-foot stateroom to witness Judge Sarah T. Hughes officiate the inauguration of America's 36th president.